18 Clever Phrases to Manage Know-It-Alls Gracefully

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We’ve all encountered that one person who thinks they’re the Einstein of every conversation. They dominate discussions, overly confident in their intellectual superiority. But fear not. Here are 18 witty phrases to level the playing field and remind them that they’re not the only ones with an active cerebrum.

That's an interesting perspective. How did you come to that conclusion?

Editorial credit: CREATISTA / Shutterstock.

It’s frustrating when someone claims that their way of doing something is the only correct way. They fail to see gray areas and dictate that there is only one solution – their own. This question might reveal the gaps in their logic by putting the onus back on them to explain their reasoning. Watch them wriggle.

I hadn't considered it that way before. Can you explain more?

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

This phrase feigns interest while subtly challenging them to elaborate. You don’t really want to know more, but it might expose the superficiality of their supposed knowledge. If and when they declare that a historical event happened due to a single cause, see how they worm their way out.

You might be right, but have you thought about it from this angle?

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

This is a great way to introduce doubt without outright confrontation. No one wants that. It invites them to consider alternate viewpoints and can often render them speechless. Say your part and drop the mic. It's great to watch.

How does that compare to…?

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Sometimes, people don’t expect to be challenged, so this is a great way of showing that you know your subject matter. The comparison requires them to think on their feet and justify their point in a broader context. Next time they claim a particular book is the best written, this question challenges them to evaluate it against other classics.

That's one way to look at it. Here’s another perspective…

Editorial credit: Nektarstock / Shutterstock.

Hopefully, they’ll be open to your response, but if they’re particularly know-it-all, your response will fall on deaf ears. This phrase is good as it subtly invalidates their perceived monopoly on truth by presenting an alternative view. They’ll be amazed at your sheer cheek.

I see your point, but have you considered…?

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

If someone is arguing that one diet is the healthiest, this counter-suggestion opens the door to discussing other valid nutritional plans. Vegan diets are great, but so are Mediterranean diets. They might not like it, but at least you’re expressing a reluctance to abide by their strict view.

Why do you think that is?

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If you want to get to the crux of someone’s understanding, this is the question for you. It forces them to provide a deeper explanation and often exposes their lack of understanding of the topic. If they make a sweeping generalization about a political issue, throw this question at them and see their reaction.

What evidence supports that?

Editorial credit: felipe caparros / Shutterstock.

Asking for evidence usually stonewalls people who think they can outsmart you. Often, they haven’t got any proof, and even if they have, it's inadequately sourced. Social media is not a reliable source. Thinking they know everything is a psychological phenomenon, so try asking them about their knowledge on that topic.

That's debatable

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

This phrase flatly challenges their assertion without needing immediate follow-up. It’s mildly passive-aggressive, so you might want to save it as a last resort, but it will throw them off balance. If they demand that rock music is better than hip-hop, this comment opens the floor for debate.

I'd love to read more about that. Do you have any recommendations?

Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

While this phrase can backfire if they happen to have any recommendations, it politely questions the depth of their knowledge and whether they can back it up with credible sources. If they can, there’s more credibility in their statement than you gave them credit for, but you’ll probably find that they can’t.

What makes you say that?

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

If they declare that one economic policy is perfect, this phrase challenges them to articulate their justification. You’re digging deep for educational substance, and you’re keen to understand their reasoning. At least, that’s what they’ll think. You’re actually prompting them to expose logical flaws.

How do you handle the opposing viewpoint?

Editorial credit: Pond Saksit / Shutterstock.

Here’s the million-dollar question. Can they be less objective? You’re about to find out. This question asks them to consider and address contrary opinions, highlighting any weaknesses in their argument. It’s interesting to see if they’re even aware of counterarguments.

Have you looked into…?

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

This is where you allow your own knowledge to shine through. Not only does this statement demonstrate that you have some understanding of the topic, but it also subtly implies that their research might be incomplete.

Can you clarify what you mean by…?

Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

There’s nothing worse than when someone uses jargon or specific terminology to sound knowledgeable. It’s always credible to ask for clarity in any situation, but with an out smarter, asking for clarification can expose their superficial understanding.

That's a complex issue. What's your take on the other side?

Editorial credit: Adam Gregor / Shutterstock.

This statement acknowledges the complexity of the issue and encourages a more nuanced discussion. Their answer reveals their full understanding of both sides of the issue, as well as the associated pros and cons. They’ll likely have a jaded, one-sided view.

How does that align with…?

Editorial credit: LightField Studios / Shutterstock.

When they assert a controversial scientific theory, this phrase asks them to align it with mainstream science. They won’t be expecting it, and you don’t even have to have any knowledge of a topic to throw it in. It challenges them to reconcile their opinion with facts or alternative perspectives, even though they may have no understanding whatsoever.

What do you think the implications are?

Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

This is a great conversation filler and forces them to think about the broader impact of their claims. Not only can you try to outsmart them, but you can also sit back in silence as they dig their way out of an ever-increasing hole.

That's a valid point. Have you thought about…?

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

This validates their opinion, which will satisfy them. Throwing in the latter part of the statement catches them off guard as they’re being forced to consider new information or viewpoints. If they insist on a singular solution to a problem, this phrase invites them to think more broadly and inclusively. Even if they don’t, you’ll feel suitably smug.

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