18 Double Standards Where Men Benefit and Women Get Judged

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In the ongoing battle for gender equality, one glaring issue remains. The unfair and disproportionate judgment women face in comparison to men. Most of us are amazed that this still occurs in modern times. From their appearance to their career choices, women continue to be scrutinized for a number of reasons compared to their male counterparts. Let’s take a look at a few of them.


Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

When it comes to aging, women face much harsher judgment and scrutiny than men. Sadly, it’s been this way for years; men age gracefully while women end up looking haggard. With the uprising of numerous movements aimed at gender quality, we can only hope that women start to get a break. In the meantime, it’s no surprise that women are spending a small fortune on anti-wrinkle injections and plastic surgery while men are proudly embracing their lines.


Editorial credit: Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.

Women can’t win. If they’re glamorous, they’re labeled as cheap. If they’re plain clothed, they’re too conservative, and if they’re overly casual, they’re having a midlife crisis and don’t care about their appearance. Men can wear anything and face no judgment. How’s that fair? It's exhausting to keep up with.


Editorial credit: UfaBizPhoto / Shutterstock.

Women are often held to higher standards when it comes to parenting and childcare responsibilities. They face judgment for everything from their parenting style to their ability to balance work and family life, while men's involvement in childcare is often praised but not scrutinized to the same degree. It’s interesting that carrying a child for nine months isn’t testament enough to a woman’s parenting capabilities.

Sexual History and Behavior

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 Society often judges women based on their sexual history and behavior in ways that men are not. It’s one rule for one, a different rule for another. Women may be labeled as promiscuous for having multiple partners, while men are often praised and championed for their sexual conquests. If a woman dares to exhibit flirtatious behavior, she’s off limits for a serious relationship.

Emotional Expression

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Women have always been judged for being too emotional or overly sensitive. Most of the time, it’s attributed to hormones, which can be frustrating and belittling. Historically, men have been encouraged to suppress their emotions and maintain a stoic façade but in recent times, they’re being rightly championed for crying and expressing their emotions. It’s a fantastic shift for men, but why is it still seen as a sign of weakness in women?

Career Choices

Editorial Credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

As modern women move into more powerful professional roles, men across the world are feeling threatened by it. It seems that women have to face judgment and criticism for their career choices and ambitions in ways that men do not. They’re being labeled as too ambitious, too aggressive, or too feminist for striving for success in male-dominated fields. Meanwhile, men are applauded for their ambition and leadership skills.

Relationship Status

Editorial credit: mimagephotography / Shutterstock.

Single women, especially those above the age of 30 who remain unmarried or childless, are often subjected to judgment and scrutiny. Society refuses to accept their position as a personal choice, instead unfairly attributing dubious reasons to it. Single men are perceived as independent and self-sufficient. Where’s the logic?

Body Image

Editorial credit: nelic / Shutterstock.

In a world of impossibly high standards, women are either too fat, too thin, too curvaceous, or too athletic. They’re constantly bombarded with unrealistic beauty standards and pressured to achieve a certain body type. They face judgment for their weight, shape, and fitness level, while men's bodies are all but ignored unless they’re perfectly toned. It’s easy to see why women are more prone to eating disorders.  

Household Responsibilities

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Just because we’ve moved on from the '60s domestic goddess model, the stigma remains in place; women are still expected to excel in domestic skills such as cooking, cleaning, and caregiving. Meanwhile, men's contributions to household chores and childcare are overlooked, yet he’s considered a champion if he cooks the odd dinner.

Assertiveness and Leadership

Editorial credit: insta_photos/ Shutterstock.

Women who assert themselves or display leadership qualities are labeled as bossy, aggressive, or unlikeable. Strong, powerful roles don’t fit society’s mold of the meager female prototype, so it leaves her wide open to judgment. Men with similar traits are praised for their confidence and leadership abilities.

Financial Independence

Editorial credit: iona didishvili/ Shutterstock.

Society is very quick to judge a woman who is financially independent. There’s no logical reason why in a modern world, particularly when men can easily be breadwinners without causing a stir. Assuming that a woman is financially supported and solely focused on family is an archaic notion.  

SA and Harassment

Editorial credit: Yta23 / Shutterstock.

Gender roles are even unbalanced in the face of violence. Women who experience SA or harassment have been known to face judgment and victim-blaming from society. There have been numerous well-known cases where women have been questioned about their clothing choices or behavior leading up to the incident. Men's behavior is often excused or minimized.

Appearance During Pregnancy

Editorial Credit: BGStock72 / Shutterstock.

There’s no right or wrong to how a woman should look during an important time of her life. However, pregnant women are frequently judged for their appearance and behavior during pregnancy. Naturally, there are certain behaviors that none of us expect from a heavily pregnant woman, but to face criticism for gaining too much or too little weight, for their clothing choices, or for continuing to work or exercise while pregnant is harsh and unfair.

Motherhood Choices

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

A woman has the right to decide if she wishes to become a parent with no judgment. Society doesn’t always agree, labeling non-mothers as unfortunate. Mothers are equally judged for their choices related to childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting. Whether they choose to have a natural birth or to breastfeed in public, it’s their choice. Meanwhile, men's parenting decisions are less scrutinized.

Relationship Dynamics

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Women often face criticism for being too submissive or too dominant. It seems that striking the right balance is unreachable. Aside from anything extreme, a man’s behavior in relationships is often seen as natural and acceptable. Whatever happened to fair judgment?

Personal Interests and Hobbies

Editorial credit: Master1305 / Shutterstock.

There’s a reason that women are told to value self-care, and it’s because they’re usually last in the pecking order of life’s priorities. Taking part in a sport or having a hobby is sometimes deemed as selfish for a woman, especially if they have a family at home. If a man has a hobby or takes time out for his personal interests, no one even notices.  

Appearance in the Workplace

Editorial credit: GaudiLab / Shutterstock.

A man’s appearance in the workplace is less policed than a woman‘s. She wears too much makeup or not enough, and she dresses too provocatively or not enough. It’s no surprise that a woman's workplace-related stress is always on the rise.

Drinking Alcohol

Editorial credit: BearFotos / Shutterstock.

There’s nothing wrong with having a few drinks now and again, and most of us have experienced the ‘one-to-many’ syndrome. If a woman goes out and has a couple too many, she’s regarded as irresponsible and flirtatious. If a man gets drunk, he’s simply having a good time with his friends. What’s with the harsh judgment?

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