18 Bad Habits We All Have But Would Never Admit

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There are some bad habits which will place you at the bottom of the league table of social acceptability. Ironically, most of these bad habits are things we all do; it’s just that we’d never tell anyone but will still judge the honest person who does. Here is a list of 18 bad habits we all have but would be too scared to admit to. 


Editorial credit: pathdoc / Shutterstock.

Whether it’s on a bus or in a cafe, our ears prick up as soon as we hear strangers engaging in a bit of gossip. You don’t know the people talking, but you’re now invested in their drama. You’ll be wondering for the rest of the week if Karen’s affair was discovered, but you’ll never tell another soul that you like to listen to other people’s conversations. 


Editorial credit: Svitlana Sokolova / Shutterstock.

The latest office romance or the crazy drunk neighbors' latest escapades are too much to not tell your best friend about. You’re not gossiping, though; it’s just passing on information and educating everyone else on how not to live their lives.


Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Your best friend from netball practice when you were 13 sends you a message and wants to go for coffee; anxiety takes over, and you need to come up with an excuse not to go. It’s not a lie to say that you are so sick you can’t get out of bed; it’s just slightly bending the truth because you do have a slight sniffle. Don’t worry, they will absolutely believe you. 


Editorial credit: effective stock photos / Shutterstock.

The new guy in the office has a mysterious aura, and it would be irresponsible not to do some digging. If he has a dark past, you need to come up with a reason why you spent all weekend looking through his socials before exposing him; if his life is as mundane as a rainy Sunday in February, no one needs to be told. Everyone else in the office will already know either way. They’re just waiting for someone to come clean with their cyberstalking. 

Having Conversations With a Pet

Editorial credit: Shift Drive / Shutterstock.

Luckily, your pet can’t talk, but if it could, then they would be a prime source of information for anyone looking to blackmail you. Joking aside, most people talk to their pets, and there isn’t anything wrong with doing so; we just don’t tell anyone that Bella the cockapoo is our confidant. 

Making Up Scenarios in Our Heads

Editorial credit: Max4e Photo / Shutterstock.

You probably own a lot of houses from all those lotteries you’ve won. You’ve probably also seen the entire world from all those times you’ve run away from home to travel the world and live off the land. Fortunately or unfortunately, these wild fantasies are all in our heads, and no one ever needs to know. 

Talking to Ourselves Out Loud

Editorial credit: Dragon Images / Shutterstock.

There’s no one else in the house, so who better to talk to than yourself? Even better, you can have that conversation out loud. Discuss world politics, your latest business idea, or your plans for world domination. Don’t worry. It’s extremely common; we just don’t tell anyone else. 

Replaying Embarrassing Moments Right Before Sleep

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

Just as you're about to fall asleep, that moment when you fell over in front of all of your classmates in 5th grade will pop into your head to remind you you’re a clumsy fool. Scientific research has shown that this is actually a defense mechanism that kept humans safe when we were hunter-gatherers, so you aren’t the only one.

Not Replying to Messages Straight Away

Editorial Credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

When a friend asks you why you didn’t message them back for a few hours the night before, they actually know the answer. That’s because they, too, haven’t replied to a message immediately for fear of the recipient thinking they are being too keen.

Making Plans With No Intention of Carrying Them Out

Editorial credit: simona pilolla 2 / Shutterstock.

If you’d carried out all those holidays you planned with your friends, you’d probably have traveled the seven continents. None of you actually believed you were all actually going to go to Antarctica on a cruise to see the penguins. It was a fun charade where no one wanted to admit it would never happen.

Pretending We Understand When We Don’t

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

When your astrophysicist friend is explaining the Big Bang, it’s okay to nod along and pretend you know what they’re talking about. They know you haven’t got the slightest clue, but it’s a game we all play because no one wants to be the stupidest person in the room. You’re not stupid, though; no one knows everything. 

Thinking Your Friend is Dead When They Don’t Reply

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

You’re watching the clock because that friend who always replies straight away hasn’t replied for three minutes. They were going to the beach today; the most plausible reason they haven’t replied is they’ve been washed away to sea and are now surrounded by hungry sharks. It’s fine; catastrophizing is not unique to you. 

Drinking Straight From the Carton

Editorial credit: sweeann / Shutterstock.

It’s unhygienic and inconsiderate if someone else does it; if it’s you drinking straight out of the carton of milk, it’s absolutely fine. You don’t have any germs to spread, and everyone knows that you are perfectly clean and healthy. Unfortunately, we all think the same, so you won’t have been the first to take a gulp.  

Listening to a Song on Repeat All Day

Editorial credit: evrymmnt / Shutterstock.

There’s always one song that we are obsessed with and will happily play all day long, over and over again. We don’t tell anyone else we do it because that would be uncool, and they might think we’re a bit crazy. They probably will think you’re a bit crazy while being in complete denial that they do exactly the same thing. 

Telling Everyone We’re Fine

Editorial credit: Pheelings media / Shutterstock.

We’ve all had one of those days where everything goes wrong, throwing our hands up to heaven in despair. Along comes a trusted friend who sees us on our knees and is naturally curious at our obviously frantic state. When they ask, “Is everything okay?” The only natural response is, “I am fine.” 

Fantasizing About a Stranger’s Life

Editorial credit: DW labs Incorporated / Shutterstock.

Everyone else’s life is always more exciting than our own, none more so than the guy on the bus in the morning with the suit and briefcase. He isn’t going to a normal office job because he’s actually a spy on his way to swap top secret documents with another spy on a park bench. In reality, he’s Bob on his way to sit at a desk all day. Don’t worry, we all do it. 

Checking the Toilet Bowl

Editorial credit: Artem Stepanov / Shutterstock.

As disgusting as it sounds, it’s something everyone does. It’s also a way to check on your own health. The first signs of both serious and non-serious illnesses can be detected in our stool, so having a look before flushing can be a lifesaver

Not Changing Bedsheets

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

If you lead a busy life, changing your bedsheets can end up at the bottom of your list of priorities. Just make sure you don’t leave it until you’re in a taxi home from a date that’s gone well to remember; they won’t be impressed.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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