17 Things Once Highly Respected But Are Now a Complete Joke

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Perspectives from one generation can vary greatly to the next. Things that are held in high esteem and often admired at one point in history can vastly change in just a couple of decades. The Baby Boomer generation had a different ideation of what’s important and who should be respected within a community. They also had a different perspective as to who was respectable. These are things that other generations have considered honorable that are more like laughable in the opinion of most today. 


Editorial credit: TierneyMJ / Shutterstock.

fore the internet and street cameras for surveillance when people valued their privacy and were secretive about their personal lives and information. Nowadays, when older generations talk about how there is no privacy and speak out against being so public with information, the younger generations tend to scoff at it. Those who grew up on social media see nothing wrong with being an open book.

Crossing Guards

Editorial credit: LightField Studios/ Shutterstock.

There was a simpler time when someone who had a stop sign and used it was taken seriously. Signs of authority didn’t have to be much, just a few generations ago. People had a respect for uniforms. Nowadays, if you wear a cross-guard uniform, it is something that people chuckle about.

Boy Scout Leaders

Editorial credit: GeorgeLouis/ Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Boy and Girl Scouts were organizations that were created to give young girls and boys role models and to award them for learning basic life skills and being good citizens. Those who become Boy Scout leaders and who still display the uniform are made fun of and considered men who never grew up or have lives of their own. 

Working in Education

Editorial credit: Matej Kastelic / Shutterstock.

Although being an educator is something that should be admired and honored, it isn’t. The average salary of a teacher or school administrator continues to decline as other occupations are rewarded and granted high salaries. When you consider that the great majority of Americans wouldn’t be able to earn any wage without an education, it is sad that those who devote themselves aren’t rewarded the way that they should be. 

Earning a Salary

Editorial credit: enciktepstudio / Shutterstock.

Just a short decade ago, there were opportunities to be a consultant, but there weren’t many other career arrangements. Salaried jobs gave people steady pay and benefits. You did, however, have to give up things like working overtime and taking vacations when you want. Those who have found their place in remote working or independent contracting see being tied to one employer or position as laughable. They do what they want, when they want, and get paid for the time that they spend working.


Editorial credit: wellphoto / Shutterstock.

Just a few decades ago, everyone got their news from the same sources. Primetime and late-night news channels all had the same five stories that they highlighted. The general public generally believed all that they saw on the news and all that they read in the newspapers. With the many outlets that people now have available to get their news information, mainstream journalism has been called out for being biased and not presenting the whole story. It is no longer so admirable to be a part of the media.

The Presidency

Editorial credit: Luca Perra / Shutterstock.

The President used to be the supreme ruler of the United States and respected around the whole globe. Thanks to the many scandals in-office and decades of less than decorum behaviors, the Presidency has become a joke for comedians and around the world. There are very few political debates that are taken seriously or seen as anything more than theater. 

Police Officers

Editorial credit:John Roman Images/ Shutterstock.

Police officers have the unfortunate job of making sure that people are safe and that justice is served. At least, that is what they used to be viewed as. Nowadays, police officers are seen in a much more scrutinized light. With all of the many scandals, racial issues, and disparity of color and race, police officers no longer have the same high esteem they used to in the public eye. 

The Military

Editorial Credit: Bumble Dee / Shutterstock.

There was a time when the greatest sacrifice you could make was to honor the citizens of America by serving your country. During the Vietnam War, all of that changed. Where once we had Labor Day and Memorial Day to praise the military, they are now predominantly holidays that have appliance sales and open pools. The respect that is deserved by our military is no longer very respectful or correct.


Editorial credit: Niyazz / Shutterstock.

Politicians have little respect in the average American’s eyes. Tantamount to used car salesmen, many people view them as saying one thing and doing another. Not many of them have earned or kept the public trust, and there is a growing distrust in their hidden agendas. People who earn their way to office don’t have the same prestige as they once did. 

Religious Leaders

Editorial credit: PIXEL2020 / Shutterstock.

Along with the presidency, another position that people used to hold in the highest esteem was the Pope and other religious leaders. People are becoming weary of organizational religions and their intent. With the church scandals rampant and a distrust of the Vatican and its agenda, many people just don’t hold the highest office of church leaders with the same respect that they once did. 


Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

There is no denying that it takes a lot of education and perseverance to become a lawyer. Besides the educational aspects, you have to pass the bar, which is not an easy thing to do. Lawyers, however, do not hold the highest opinion of many Americans. Many people have a deep distrust of lawyers and believe that they will lie, steal, and cheat to win without any morals or feeling bad about it. 


Editorial credit: SmLyubov / Shutterstock.

Having a motor airplane or building car kits used to be a great way to spend the weekend. Now, it is a laughable activity that many view as lazy and nerdy. There is a new ideation of spending time outdoors being risky and risking it all. Therefore, those who stay at home safe and sound, putting puzzles together, are seen as inferior and silly. 

The Flag

Editorial credit: Andrea Izzotti/ Shutterstock.

In previous generations, people upheld the rituals of what you did and didn’t do with the flag. Nowadays, you can wrap yourself in it, stamp on it, and even burn it. What was once a symbol of freedom and pride has lost its luster. Those disillusioned by American policy see fit to treat the flag in any way they feel like it. 

The Opera and Culture

Editorial credit: Jaakko H./ Wikimedia Commons /CC BY-SA 3.0

Generations have long respected the talent and art of the opera. It used to be a place that only the wealthy went to. It was also seen as something that the sophisticated of America was allowed to enjoy. Although there are still people who talk about going to the opera, it is no longer something that shows your cultural pedigree. Most people wouldn’t spend their night watching it, even if the tickets were free.

The Elderly 

Editorial credit: TunedIn by We / Shutterstock.

In previous generations, older people were respected in society for their intelligence, experience, and knowledge. Now, older people are seen as irritating and requiring. The respect that Americans have for their parents and grandparents is not what it used to be. Some of it is light-hearted fun. The ones not having fun, however, and those older people who are dealing with isolation and depression.


Editorial credit: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.

Parent Teacher Organizations were created so that there was a liaison between the schools and the students. Those who are on PTO are now often labeled as mean girls and the ones who are seeking the popularity that they left in high school. Maybe they were never respected, but what they did for the kids and the school was once considered respectable. 

Perspectives Shape Respect

Editorial credit: Fishman64 / Shutterstock.

Perspectives change the positions and activities that people hold in a society over time. Where once something was celebrated and honored, now, it is not. The same will happen again for the next generations. It is just how humans work. 

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