17 Behaviors Men Exhibit That Women Find Repulsive

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If you’ve ever heard of the famous book “Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus,” you might already understand that sometimes it can feel like men and women are from different planets. What might seem perfectly ok to a man can seem inappropriate, disgusting, or downright awful to a woman. Often, men can be oblivious to the fact that they are behaving in ways that women find gross, so in case they need reminding, here are 18 things that men do that women hate.

Leaving The Toliet Seat Up 

Editorial credit: cunaplus / Shutterstock.

As much of a cliché as this is, for some reason, men still can’t seem to remember to put the toilet seat down. They might not fully understand, but the reason women hate this so much is because they have to touch the toilet seat to lower it for themselves, and no one wants to be touching a dirty toilet seat, especially after a man has used it. Eww. 

Not Washing Hands 

Editorial credit: Maridav / Shutterstock.

Hand washing is basic hygiene etiquette. Our hands touch all kinds of dirty surfaces all day long, and men seem to have a lackadaisical attitude toward hand washing that women hate. Honestly, women can’t understand why men are so negligent about washing their hands, considering that these are what we use to go to the toilet with, prepare, and eat food! 

Toenail Clippings

Editorial credit: Grigvovan / Shutterstock.

No woman can understand why men repeatedly leave their toenail clippings lying around. Women hate this; they find it absolutely gross and repulsive. 

Sexual Innuendos

Editorial Credit: Sreeyash Lohiya / Shutterstock.

There’s a saying that men think about sex every three seconds, and this doesn't seem so unbelievable, as no matter if they are at work, at a family gathering, or at a social event, men often feel the need to make sexual innuendos as an attempt at humor. Women hate this, and it can make them feel uncomfortable. 

Unsolicited Images

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

We once heard a guy advising other men who were thinking about sending out some intimate pictures of themselves. He said, “Dude, if you are thinking of sending any kind of picture beginning with d, send a dog picture.” We thought this was great advice, as women genuinely hate receiving unsolicited nudes from men. 

Trying to Fix Things, Instead of Listening

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Sometimes, women just want to vent about something and talk it out. However, men are on a constant mission to find solutions, and women hate how they can’t just listen and let them express their emotions. 

Man Flu 

Editorial credit: baranq / Shutterstock.

As harsh as it sounds, women find it super irritating when a man gets a cough or cold and is rendered immobile on the sofa for seven days. To put things in perspective, women have to push tiny humans out of a very small place and also have to deal with seven days of menstrual bleeding per month, which includes cramps, nausea, and headaches, so you can see why they struggle to find empathy for males with man flu. 

Flirting With Other Women 

Editorial credit: eldar nurkovic/ Shutterstock.

The male ego needs to feel wanted and desired, therefore, you will often find men flirting with random women, whether it’s the waitress at McDonald’s or their dentist, sometimes they just can’t help themselves. Women hate this quality in men as it can leave them feeling embarrassed and ashamed, especially if it’s their partner who’s going around flirting with other females. 

Disrespecting Boundaries

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

Sometimes, men have a hard time respecting women’s boundaries, whether it’s that “No means no” or giving a female some space if she feels that they’re coming on too strong. Women hate feeling pressured and disrespected by men. 

Being Inconsistent

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

Women can be quite organized as most are operating on a schedule and managing competing demands around home, work, and their social lives. Therefore, they like people to be consistent and show up on time, call when they say they will, and be dependable in times of need. Especially in the dating world, a major gripe for women is men’s lack of consistency, and often, it’s a massive turn-off for women. 

Talking About Ex’s 

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Sometimes, men are missing a sensitivity chip, and no woman wants to hear about her partner's ex and how they used to enjoy romantic holidays together or walks by the sea, etc. Often, men don’t grasp this point, and it can often cause conflict in a relationship between men and women. 

Not Listening 

Editorial credit: DimaBerlin / Shutterstock.

There are some clichés that women like to talk a lot, while men can be more of “the silent type,” and in many regards, this is true. However, women hate it whenever they realize a man isn’t listening to them, and they feel forced to repeat themselves. 

Poor Hygiene

Editorial credit: G-Stock Studio / Shutterstock.

Due to complex biological factors, in general, men can have stronger body odor than women, and this, coupled with a laissez-faire approach to personal hygiene, can lead to men being a bit stinky at times. Poor hygiene is never attractive, and it’s just another thing that women hate about men. 


Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.

Mansplaining refers to how sometimes men can sound condescending whenever they try to explain certain concepts to women, especially those regarded as generally more “male” topics like football or how a car engine works, and women hate it.  

Lack of Communication 

Editorial credit:fizkes / Shutterstock.

Communication, communication, communication. That’s what a good relationship takes, right? We’ve all heard this before, so whenever a woman finds herself dating a guy who can’t reply to text messages or answer the phone, women can feel super put off by this and will be inclined to swipe left ASAP.


Editorial credit: Dmytro Zinkevych / Shutterstock.

Women find men with ambition and energy attractive as it signals that they will be good mates who will be proactive in building a life together, including a home, children, and finances. However, if a man prefers lying around all day eating potato chips, this is an instant red flag to a woman, and she’s inclined to make a hard pass. 

Comparing Her to Others 

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Comparison is the thief of joy, and someone needs to tell men this, as nothing will irritate a woman more than being compared to other females. This is a massive faux pas and is likely to cause resentment and conflict in a romantic relationship. 

Constant Criticism

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Women face enough criticism about how they look, how much they weigh, and their choices around motherhood, etc, so the last thing that a woman wants to hear from a man is more criticism.  

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