17 Misguided Statements People Make About Cheating

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Sometimes, when people don’t know what to say, they make stupid things up. Other times, in an attempt to downplay poor behaviors, some people will use euphemisms to make it sound as if it wasn’t as bad as it really was. Monogamy is not for everyone, and that is okay. But if you commit to being monogamous and ask the same from your partner, cheating is cheating, period. These are ignorant things that have been made up about infidelity.

That Woman (or Man) Wrecking My Home

Editorial credit: PawelKacperek / Shutterstock.

When someone goes outside of a relationship and has an affair, it is solely their responsibility. No one can wreck anything unless there is a consenting participant. It makes people feel better to think that it isn’t their partner’s fault, but blaming the outsider doesn’t excuse the person who ruined it from within.

She (He) Stole My Husband (Wife)

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

No one can steal anyone from a relationship that they are committed to. Yes, they can put pressure on someone to cheat and play games that might be deceptive and alluring, but ultimately, the only one who has a responsibility to make a relationship last is the person in it. 

How Can You Stay With Someone Who Cheated?

Editorial credit: Cookie Studio / Shutterstock.

Judgment is very similar to advice; it is easy to give but harder to receive. From those outside of a relationship, it might appear that taking a cheater back is weak. But that might not be the case. Sometimes, it takes a lot of strength to forgive, and there are many reasons why sometimes people choose to work on their relationship and piece it back together. It isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation.

Once a Cheater Always a Cheater

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

While it is true that some people have a propensity to be unfaithful, there are occasions when people mess up. Once more, you never know what drove someone to cheat or what was going on in a relationship before they strayed. To presume that just because someone makes a mistake, they are no longer trustworthy is a far step to take.

I Knew He (She) Was Untrustworthy

Editorial credit: Antonio Guillem / Shutterstock.

Who doesn’t claim to know the ending after they see it? All people have the propensity to cheat, so it is probably harder to find people who haven’t cheated or at least thought about it. Playing Monday morning quarterback is never a way to approach something like the break up of a marriage.

It Wasn’t Cheating if We Didn’t Sleep Together

Editorial credit: Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.

Cheating on your partner isn’t always about sex. There are ways that you can cheat on someone and never have a physical relationship. Going outside of a marriage is a betrayal because you are bound to your partner, and they are supposed to be able to trust you. If you ruin that trust, that is cheating, even if it was just an emotional affair. 

I Would Never Take Back Someone Who Cheated on Me

Editorial credit: New Africa / Shutterstock.

When people put a blanket statement on what they would do in the same situation, it isn’t true. Although we all think we know what we would do in a stressful situation, often we don’t always do what we thought. There are all sorts of emotions tied up in an affair and factors that you can’t possibly sort through across every incidence. 

You Should Have Seen It Coming

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Most people would like to think that if they were in the same position, they would be smarter. No one wants to believe that we can be tricked or have the wool pulled over our eyes, but it happens all the time. That same person who says that you should have known quite likely might have a boyfriend or husband cheating on them, too. That is the thing about cheating; you just don’t see it coming. 

You Should Kick Him (Her) Out

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Cheating is something that can bring anger quickly, and it should. When someone betrays your trust, it is alright to want to cut them out of your life completely. Making rash decisions based on raw emotion, however, might not always be the best way to approach things. Some people have children and other people involved in the situation that you have to be mindful of, so it might make sense to cool down and approach it with a cool head. 

They Never Loved Me to Begin With

Editorial credit: Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.

There are all sorts of reasons why people cheat, and most often, they have nothing to do with love. When people go outside of their relationship to get a need met, often it has no bearing on how they feel about the person they cheated on. There were most likely issues in the relationship that they were holding inside. 

He Doesn’t Even Feel Bad About It

Editorial credit: DimaBerlin / Shutterstock.

Not many people can cheat and hurt someone they love and not feel bad about it. If someone wanted to hurt their significant other, they would have just cheated right out in the open. Most people who go outside of marriage to get their needs met do so because they lack the communication skills necessary to have a real conversation about how to fix whatever is wrong in the relationship. 

It Wasn’t You, it Was Them

Editorial credit: fizkes/ Shutterstock.

When someone cheats in a relationship, it is normal for the other person to question whether they had a hand to play in the affair. Friends who want to be helpful might try to put it all on the partner and make you feel like you had nothing to do with it, and you may not. But shrugging it off and not examining what went wrong or what you could have done differently, won’t help you to make wiser decisions in your next relationship.

Kids are Resilient

Editorial credit: Freeograph / Shutterstock.

When marriages end, and there are kids involved, people often say, “Kids are resilient; they will get over it.” They are probably right; most kids do get over it. That doesn’t, however, mean that the way that a couple handles the aftermath of an affair will not impact the lives of their children. Yes, children move on, and they get over things, but how you choose to conduct yourself will affect them and their future.

I Love You but I am Not in Love With You

Editorial credit: MDV Edwards / Shutterstock.

One of the dumbest and most self-serving phrases in a breakup is, “I love you, but I am not in love with you.” Love is an emotion that isn’t based on being in something; it is the respect that you have for someone. If you didn’t love them enough to stay monogamous, then sorry to say, they did not love you, and they were not in love with you. They are not two separate things when it comes to being honest and respectful of the other person in a relationship. 

I Was Working on Breaking it Off

Editorial credit: Adam Gregor / Shutterstock.

Breaking off an affair is not something that you “work” on. You either break it off, or you don’t. If someone uses that as an excuse, your first response should be that they should have worked harder on saving their relationship, and then they wouldn’t have had to break it off. 

They Helped Me See What I Had

Editorial credit: Daniel M Ernst / Shutterstock.

When someone says to you that their cheating taught them an important lesson, and that was that it helped their relationship run. There is no way that going outside of a marriage and betraying someone’s trust is good for any marriage. If the trust is gone, it is gone, and there is no helping that. 

There's No Turning Back

Editorial credit: wavebreakmedia / Shutterstock.

There is always the ability to turn back. People often make decisions based on what other people think. When people find out about an affair, it is embarrassing to the person cheated on. They often feel like they don't have any other choice but to end it. When you love someone, there is always the option of forgiveness. You don't have to answer to anyone but yourself, and if you want to work it out, don't let anyone tell you you can't.

Do What You Feel is Best

Editorial credit: Cookie Studio/ Shutterstock.

Cheating is a sticky situation that comes with a lot of anger and heightened sadness and emotions. We all say things when we are hurt or when we are trying to save ourselves. It is important to take the time to really examine the situation, cool down, and approach the breakup of a relationship with a clear head so that there are no regrets with whatever decision you make about the future. 

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