15 Examples of Black Privilege in America

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Most people know what white privilege is and speak openly about it. There are some privileges that African Americans enjoy, however, that are not as commonly known or talked about. Most are born from an attempt to help people who have not been given the same opportunities systematically.

Special Educational Scholarships

Editorial credit: ITTIGallery / Shutterstock.

It wouldn’t be politically correct to have a scholarship that was allocated specifically just to caucasian people. There are, however, many scholarships that are only available to minorities. Although they might not be specifically labeled as so, many of them are put aside for cultural and genetic ties to being African American. They are meant to serve underserved communities and help break barriers to educational access.

Media and Art Spotlight

Editorial credit: wellphoto / Shutterstock.

There has been a real push over the past several decades to celebrate African American art and media. Black America has been traditionally left out of the media, and their art unappreciated. Not many Black people throughout history had the luxury of being a critically acclaimed artist or the means. What they did do, however, was a creative and artistic paradigm all their own. They are finally getting the forum that they haven’t been able to in the past. 

Community Togetherness

Editorial credit: Sunshine Seeds/ Shutterstock.

Not many caucasian people are that committed to community or banded with their neighbors to keep safe. African Americans often share a common cause to allow their families and children to grow up in a different existence. Therefore, solidarity and community are fostered and celebrated in Black communities around the country. They tend to group together to fight injustice as a group, and it is much more acceptable to self-segregate. 

Cultural Norms That Stand Out

Editorial credit: evan_huang / Shutterstock.

Black Americans had to abandon a lot of their culture when they came to America. Therefore, they are continually bringing a bit of unique culture to their lives. Pop culture is important to African Americans to make them stand out. It helps them to differentiate from the average American. Everything from music to fashion has a segment that is all theirs.

Underlying Undertone Resilience and Strength

Editorial credit: Feng Yu / Shutterstock.

It is undeniable that the African American community has gone through immeasurable challenges as a race. That doesn’t mean, however, that every person with African American heritage has had the same hurdles and worked through them. Not all Black Americans are the scorn of racism, systematic or otherwise. There is, however, an underlying undertone of strength and resilience that follows the individual and the race.

Social and Political Activism

Editorial credit: Tverdokhlib / Shutterstock.

The African American community has done a lot for political reform and change in the United States. From Black Lives Matter to other movements to better the lives of the Black American community, their influence is vast. Not all of the politically driven initiatives that appear to support African American causes are on the up and up or upfront about what their agendas are. All a group has to say, however, is that they stand with the African American community. Once proclaimed, saying anything against the group is tantamount to being against Black American causes. 

Religious and Spiritual Reach

Editorial credit: Pasko Maksim / Shutterstock.

African American communities have a very strong spiritual and religious reach. When spiritual or religious leaders proclaim that they represent Black Americans, they can guide the narrative and push their agenda. Regardless of the intentions behind an organization, if they identify themselves as being a part of the African American cause, they get the righteous card.

Networking Strengths

Editorial credit: PopTika / Shutterstock.

When a minority is oppressed, they necessarily have to bond together to persevere. The African American community has become good at lifting one another up and forming ties and networks for the advancement of other Black Americans. There are a vast number of African American-led mentorships and resources that younger people can get involved and get ahead.

Spotlight and Dedication

Editorial credit: Andrea Izzotti/ Shutterstock.

African Americans necessarily had to assimilate to American culture and inherit its past. There are still many historically significant things that should be celebrated. Things like Black History Month or special African American-tied religious organization holidays are adhered to and celebrated around the United States in honor of the Black culture and history.

A Grander Purpose

Editorial credit: Portland Trail Blazers/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Many historical figures that are celebrated in the African American community were trailblazers that changed the face of American society as a whole. Their inspiration to create real and lasting change has been imprinted on the community. That vision to overcome current circumstances and make change in the world has given many African American young people a sense that they have a grander purpose than to just live their life to the fullest. Many feel a duty to be more than the average person and view themselves in such a light

Role Models

Editorial credit: National Basketball Association press photo/Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

Not many African American young people grow up seeing people like themselves in high positions or in roles that are modeled after in the mainstream. Many of the people who they do look up to more because they are in the public eye and representing a race than any true role modeling that they do for character or high ground. For instance, Black sports players become role models for their celebrity regardless of what they do in their personal lives. It is the outward appearance of success that is emulated, not the road to getting where they are at.


Editorial credit:Sevenstock Studio/ Shutterstock.

African Americans dominate most of the professional and amateur sports arenas. Therefore, it is sometimes assumed that all Black people possess a certain level of athleticism and competitiveness. In some ways, that negates all that they have to give and pigeonholes them into a particular tract of purpose early on. 

The Ability to Use Slang Words

Editorial credit: Farknot Architect / Shutterstock.

Certain phrases are taboo in most circles, and rightly so. Certain epithets were fought against for over a century to remove bias and labels, but some of those same phrases are being openly talked about in public and in African American culture. It makes it confusing to know what is derogatory and why. Most importantly, when someone of color uses a taboo phrase, it is no longer so.

Using Race as a Moral Standing

Editorial credit: Motortion Films / Shutterstock.

When someone says something that is believed to be against the notion that there is systematic racism that is alive and well in the US, they are instantly called out as having a lower moral compass for believing in something that may or may not have anything to do with race at all. There is a quick jump from having an opinion to being a bad person and not caring about the Black American plight. 

Lowering Standards

Editorial credit: Cherries / Shutterstock.

The argument against inequality in education is a fair and just one. Lowering standards for African American test scores and requirements for higher education is a necessary way to allow an oppressed people to get the same advantages as other communities. It is a problem, however, when two people from the same socioeconomic class are not judged on the same scale, and one gets privilege over another.

White Privledge Versus African American Privledge

Editorial credit: Isa H / Shutterstock.

The reality exists that both African Americans and white Americans have different types of privileges that benefit their race. Although all Americans are supposed to be equal, that only exists in a perfect world and one that is free from labeling, stereotyping, and underlying bias. Life is not fair, as humans, the point is to try to equalize every American’s amount of opportunities so that the American Dream remains alive and intact.

Is Black Privledge Really Privledge?

Editorial credit: fizkes / Shutterstock.

Many would argue that Black privilege is not a privilege. It is an equaling out of systemic bias and prejudice against one race. The cycle of poverty is sometimes hard to break and without interference, groups can be caught up in it. 

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